Thursday, April 19, 2012

Thursday April 19

I caught Porter doing this today.
He wanted to get to some games and puzzles up in the closet.
I guess Mom and Dad weren't paying enough attention to him :)
So he decided to try and get it himself.
I am surprised he didn't fall.
But he sure thought he was cool.
Port has had an obsession with super hero's lately.
Spider man, Thor, Hulk, Iron Man.
You name it....he thinks they are pretty cool.
He got some 'Avengers' temporary tattoos for going to speech therapy the other day.
He has them lined up both arms.

He thinks that when he pushes the tattoo of the super hero's....that is the one he becomes.
He pushed Hulk today and said "Ah, I am Hulk.  I can jump REALLY high!"
It was so funny.....he had a gruff voice and a goofy face.
The kids cracks me up.
Brent just got home from taking Elsie to school today when we got a call from her teacher saying that Elsie didn't feel good.
So he went back and got her.
Poor girl.
She is fine....but she is really tired.
I think this over-cast cloudy day has gotten to her.
Hope she can sleep good tonight.
Tonight I went with the girls to their 'Art Smart' night at the school.
Throughout the year, classes make art pieces that are like famous artists....and they learn a lot about those artists while making the art.
There was some pretty great stuff.
They had the school set up like a museum, it really was great.
And there were a few rooms opened up for art classes.
The girls did stamps, made bookmarks, painted stencils and got their faces painted.
They all thought it was pretty cool.
It was a fun event for the school.
Dad got the water lines hooked up to the new natural gas water heater.
Hopefully this will make a huge difference in our monthly electric bills.
Having an electric water heater has been draining our wallets like crazy!
So lets cross our fingers that this is what makes the difference!!!

1 comment:

Emily Peterson said...

That boy is a daredevil!!!

Sorry Elsie was having a hard day - I hope today is better.