Thursday, April 19, 2012

Comforting Hearts

My little sister, Sara, recently suffered a miscarriage.
Sara is one of the strongest, most spiritual people I know.
10 years ago, Sara and her hubby also lost their first baby, he was stillborn.
Nicholas was such a perfect, beautiful, tiny baby boy.
Not too long after that, Sara had another miscarriage.
She was broken hearted.
Fast forward the last 10 years and she has a house full of beautiful little ones.
Four of them.
The time came that they wanted to add another one.
They were all very excited to find out she was pregnant.
You can imagine the sadness to find out she had once again, lost her sweet baby.
He was delivered, and was very, very tiny.
Sara and Sean named him Moroni.
He too, even so tiny, was absolutely perfect.
All except for the tiny knot in his umbilical chord.
I can't say she had a hard time dealing with it....cause she didn't.
Sara is amazing.
But she did feel there was a hole in her heart that needed to be filled.
With both Nicholas and Moroni, Sara received sweet gifts from the hospital, including memory boxes.
She was so grateful for the kindness in each situation.
She wanted others in heartache to be sure to feel the love that she felt.
Sara has started a new blog where she encourages you to donate to her, or to your local hospital.
Please take a moment to see what she has going on.
She has patterns for tiny diapers.....blankets, outfits of all sizes.
Tiny stuffed animals.
Small hats.
Anything you can think of, she would be so grateful for your donation.
She also has a donation box on her site if you would be willing to help her that way.
She is planning a big day for May 8th, which is Nicholas' birthday.
She has already gathered so much, but there is quite a need for more things.
If you can't help her, but would like to help in some way, you could always call your local hospital and see what they might need.
Nothing pulls you through a trial like service to one another.


Sara said...

Thank you so much Kim! I love you!

Chalisse Martineau said...

My heart goes out to your sister. She sounds like she is an amazing person; Thanks for sharing.

Mangelson's said...

Kim - thanks for posting this. Sometimes I really need this reminder of service.