Thursday, February 02, 2012

Thursday February 2

We got CHICKENS!!!!
Everyone is pretty dang excited around here.
Brent's Chief at the fire station had these three hens that they were ready to be done with.
He offered them to Brent, and of course we took them.
It will be great to start with 3 before we go too crazy with too many!
There is one Silky names Pip-squeak, that Elsie has renamed Pippy.
We can't remember the other two names, but they are Rhode Island Red Hens.
I call them the twins.
Port and Dad think they should be named Buzz and Woody.
I disagree, those are boys names.
These are girls!
I suggested Jessie (from toy story) and Sally (from Cars).
The girls agree with me.
But my boys are stubborn.
Port is dead set on Buzz and Woody.

They a very friendly birds.....and the kids are really enjoying them.
With it getting colder they don't lay as many eggs.....but we did get one today which was a fun thing to find :)
The girls are excited for the new set of chores.
Hopefully they will stay excited about it.........

Cassi is our definite animal lover.
She sat out there after school for a long time and just watched them.
She watched how they interacted with each other, and with her.
It was fun to watch her, watch them.
So, our little farm is getting a little bit bigger.
So many fun things to look forward to.
Oh, but oh so much to do still!!!
And that is a major understatement!!!
Over the last few days I can feel myself getting overly over whelmed.
So much to do.
I have 4 big baskets full of clean laundry that I just can't seem to get to.
I also have about 4 more loads that are ready to be washed.....oh it never ends.
I think I need a day to rejuvenate.......

1 comment:

Emily Peterson said...

So exciting!! I love that your farm is growing!

Just take it one day at a time and don't get overwhelmed. :o) (I know, that is much easier to say than do!)