Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sunday November 20

It was a nice calm day today.
Church was good.
Elsie, surprisingly, went to class without much convincing.
I was very excited about that.
Then one of the leaders asked her if she wanted to give a scripture....Elsie smiled and agreed, reluctantly.
As she sat in front of the room, I could see her not doing so good.
Hands up by chin....big fat bottom lip sticking out....just waiting to burst.
I am in there, cause I teach the Sunbeams.
I got the leaders attention, and mouthed that I didn't think she was gonna be able to do it.
She mouthed back and said that Elsie agreed to do it if I would go up and help her.
So the time came....I walked up and Elsie walked to me and the minute she got to me, she burst into uncontrollable tears.
I knew that would happen.
I thought we were doomed!
I thought NO WAY would she ever want to go to her class, let alone that room ever again!
I read the scripture and she wailed over my shoulder.
Then I walked out of the room to try and calm her down.
It took a minute, but she finally stopped crying.
I talked to her for a bit....telling her how I knew that it must have been very scary for her.
And that I was SO PROUD of her for even agreeing to do it.
I also told her that maybe we could try again when she is 6.
She thought that was a great idea....
She got a big smile on her face and she was ready to go back to class.
I am so very happy that it went that way!
Cause, like I said, it could have very easily gone bad very quickly.
She is doing so good, and I am so happy about that!
It's the boy's birthday tomorrow.
My baby will be 3.
That is just crazy!
The big girls stayed up later tonight and helped me wrap his presents.
They are good little helpers.
Especially when I let them stay up late :)


Emily Peterson said...

Tell Elsie I am very proud of her too!

Mangelson's said...

What a sweet girl. That was so brave of her to try.