Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sunday October 23

It was another good day out here.
The weather was perfect.
We went to church today, where I was called as a Sunbeam teacher.
I am trying to have a good attitude about it.
I know that sounds bad....but I have really enjoyed being in Relief Society and I feel like I get so much out of it.
I also enjoy being able to go to Sunday School with Brent.....
BUT.....I also know that this is an important job for me.
I think it will be a fun change of scenery.
It has been a long time since I have been in might be fun :)
And guess who went to class today?
Elsie Rose did!
I told her that if she went to class, then we could make a treat and take it to Sister Roll later.
So she did....and we did :)
We made some muddy buddies and after dinner we took them to Sister Roll.
Elsie was very excited to see her.
I think it was a good thing and she got to meet some new friends in her class and hopefully we can get her to continue to go.....especially since now I am a Sunbeam teacher :)

After church we played around outside....and visited with Dandy.
That horse sure loves her apples.


Port wore his underwear all day today....even at church.
It may just be possible to be diaper-less forever.
That would be so great.
Porter is gonna be Buzz for Halloween.
He is pretty excited about it.
We found his Buzz and Woody toys when we got the rest of our stuff out of storage yesterday.
Now we have a heck of a lot more stuff to go through.
But hopefully I can be good at getting rid of stuff that we don't need.
I have high hopes of that happening ;)


The Holdaway Family said...

Yeah, for Elsie! I hope she had a good time and that next week she will want to go back.

Congrats on your new calling. I really think they need to have team teaching so every other week you can go to RS. I believe that they would have an easier time getting people to stay as primary workers.

Jenni said...

You came over this way and didn't come say hi to us? Sad!
You will be the perfect sunbeam teacher but I know how you feel. :)