Saturday, July 02, 2011

Saturday July 2

The girls begged all morning to paint their clubhouse.
So after I got a workout in....and did some yard work.....and got Port to sleep....
I set them up with paint and brushes and turned them loose.

We have a variety of paint colors from various projects around the house.
The both chose to go with yellow.
I am glad they chose that, cause that is what I would have picked.
It was painted a little bit before, and it was yellow.
But they drew all over with chalk, and it really was a bad paint job.
Elsie wanted to do some painting too.

Beautiful paintings Els.
Now I just need her to stop sticking the paint brush in her mouth.
Silly girl!

The girls did a pretty great job.
They have more plans that include a chalk board, and cork board, bookshelves, and curtains.
We will see when we get to that.

They plan to paint the floor also.
Madi wants to paint each board a different color, and Cassi wants green.
We will see.
I am sure it will be multi-colored, with lots of green.
They made quite a mess of themselves, and went through ALOT of paint!
But they got it done.
Good work girlies.
I stained one more chair before Porter woke up from his nap.
One more to go before I am done with the staining.
That will be nice.
Then I had the kiddos clean the kitchen with me, and we headed to the swimming pool.
It was nice and relaxing.
On the way home we got some pizza for dinner.
And we were out of milk and bread, so we stopped off at Walgreens to pick that stuff up, and got a movie while we were there.
Came home, ate, then watched the movie.
Now they are all tucked in their beds sleeping.
I think I will do the same soon, except I just remembered I am subbing in Madi's primary class tomorrow.
So maybe bed will have to wait.
Dad is doing pretty good at work today.
He is sore.
That is for sure.
But he is being good and taking it easy, as much as he can (or so he says).
The kids and I plan to go visit him at the station tomorrow.
This little boy of ours has been going through some Daddy withdrawls.
He keeps talking about Daddy.
When we were at the pool he kept telling me that he just wanted Daddy.
So I think it will be fun to go see Daddy at the station tomorrow.
But only if they are good, of course. :)


Books = Possibilities said...

Great job painting, kiddos!

The Holdaway Family said...

I am excited to see the club house all finished! Sounds like a productive day!