Monday, December 13, 2010

Our little helpers.

After dinner we had a few chores to do before we had FHE for the night.
And that is when I noticed my big kids helping my little ones, at the same time.
Madi was folding dish towel s and I asked Elsie to help her...for fun...and Elsie was so gung-ho happy to do it...and Madi helped her out with the folding.
It was so very sweet!
(And don't you think Madi looks so pretty?)

And Cassi was unloading the dishwasher and she asked Porter to help her out...
He would take the silverware out of the dishwasher and hand it to Cassi to put it away.
Then she would lift him up to grab the stacks of dishes to be put away.
I loved it.
We had a fun Family Home Evening.
We decided to do a 12 days for a family that lives by us.
Total that is all I am saying!
But the kids are really excited about it!
After we dropped it off, we decided to go look at lights in the neighborhood, and we found an AWESOME one!!!
If you know where the Locsha Falls neighborhood is, it is the corner of Cedar Grove and Moose Creek....there were 6 houses, SIX, synchronized to music on a radio station!
It was so much fun!
What a great idea!
Can you imagine what an entire neighborhood would look like all synchronized???
Anyway, if you live in these parts, it is worth checking out!
Good times...
I'm really starting to feel it now!


Emily Peterson said...

Oh, what wonderful pictures!! How sweet to see the older ones helping the younger ones!

I would love to see those synchronized lights on those six houses - how cool!!!

Books = Possibilities said...

What sweet big sisters!