Saturday, March 06, 2010

Beautiful day at the park!

It was such a beautiful day...
So we headed to the park...
Along with EVERYONE else in Meridian!
Luckily this is a big park, so it didn't seem too crowded.
The Young's called and asked if we wanted to have a picnic and play...
It was a perfect day for it.
After the kiddos played...we did a kid swap...Cassi to Aubree's house and Kara to Madi's house.
The girls always love when they get to do that.
Thanks Heather for taking Cass!
She had a blast!
Elsie did some major walking.
She spent some time at first walking all around with her walker...but them she wanted to get up on the ramps.
So she ditched the walker, and climbed the stairs up.
I was a little worried, they have a bit of an incline to them...but they do have hand rails.
She went nuts...and she didn't really even touch the rails!
Up one ramp, down the next, back up another one, then turned around to do it all over again.
I love how this little girl loves to push herself.
She was just excited that she was doing it as we were.
She loves a good physical challenge.
She didn't want to quit...even though she was dead tired.
I am so proud of her.
That smile was on her face the whole time!
Porter had fun too...
He seems mostly nice to the other kids.
Brent said he did push and hit a couple kids.
I saw him shove a kid who wanted to climb the chain rope that Porter was standing by.
Little turkey!
I just don't know what we are gonna do when he goes into nursery.
They aren't gonna allow him in!
*I am Thankful for AWESOME weather. The kids are all nice and worn out...I am sure they will sleep all night, right???
*I am Thankful the I made it through my long run this morning...I wish my Garmin would have worked so I knew exactly how far we went...oh feels good to have it done! (Thank you to Aryn and Jenni for getting me to go...I was seriously tempted NOT TO!)
*I am Thankful that Elsie seems excited to go to Primary tomorrow. She hasn't had a teacher for a long time...just subs...and so she hasn't been going. But like I said...she seemed maybe she will do it tomorrow!


Emily Peterson said...

Yeah for Elsie! I am so proud of her!!! I love the sweater she is wearing too!

Well, maybe it will be good for Porter to be in Nursery and have to share with kids his own age....

Jilene said...

your blog is awesome Kim. and I DO follow it, even if I don't comment much. I feel the same about Mitchell as you do about Porter. They must just be boys! BTW! I love Porters jacket! :-)