Friday, January 01, 2010

New Years Resolutions...

Tonight we sat down together as a family and wrote down some Matthews Family resolutions.
The kids picked some for the parents...the parents picked some for the kids...we came up with some together...
Brent came up with a new family goal of filling piggy banks.
The relationships you have with people are like piggy banks...when you are nice, you are filling the banks...when you are are taking money away...and if you keep doing it that way...pretty soon they won't have any money in their piggy banks...and you won't have a relationship with them anymore.
The kids are excited about this idea...I am too.
I am glad we sat together and did this as a family...I need to sit down and make some for myself as well!
Afterwards Brent pulled out some bubbly for us to seal the deal...
We said something about making a "cheer"...
So Cassi started cheering like she was at a football game!
This is of course a reenactment...but it was pretty dang funny!
The real "Cheers"

Porter was loving the bubbly!!!


I hope every body's New Year was off to as good of a start as ours!


Jodi Gallagher said...

Looks like you guys had fun! I did my resolutions list today 2. Heres 2 a gr8 2010!

Books = Possibilities said...

That piggy bank thing sounds pretty cool. So does everyone have a bank or is it a family bank?

Happy New Year!
Love the bubbly pics!

Jennece said...

I found some cheap sparkly piggy banks at Old Navy, they had gold and silver sparkly one's, they were too cute!