Thursday, December 31, 2009

Now what????

So I am done with my post a day thing...the year is over and I wanted to end with the old year so I could start fresh with the new year.
I think I will still plan on posting daily...unless it is too crazy and hectic too...'cause you comes first!
It has been a good year.
*I have loved blogging cause not only do I have pictures from every day of our lives from the past 305 days...but I have memories written down that I would otherwise forget.
*I had a hard time getting used to loosing so many commenter's...but I have learned to deal with it and know that I am doing this for me and my family and our future fun for our grand kids to someday look at our blog books printed up and see what we did in our daily lives.
(But a big thanks to the ones who still comment...thanks! Love ya!)
*I have enjoyed being forced to find something positive in my life everyday to share on my blog.
Cause sometimes it is hard...
Life isn't always great...but you know what...when you are trying to look for something good... there is always something there.
And it makes life a whole lot better when you are looking for the good instead of the bad!
*I have loved to see our family grow, learn, love, and have makes me so happy to have it all recorded!
*Yes, I focused on the positive stuff, but we had hard times too...hard times that have helped us grow stronger and try harder...
Looking at our life DAILY has helped me realize...we can make it through anything...and we can do it having FUN!!!
So yes...I am going to keep doing it...and keep posting pictures from our lives, daily...
Hope you still check in once in awhile!


Brooke said...

I'm sooooooooooo glad you blogged everyday fact I really really want to try it too! What a great memory book you have. And you've recorded the big and little moments in life. I for one have LOVED reading your daily posts and often check a couple times to see if you've posted. Thanks for doign it for us...we love you and miss you guys. I wish we could have seen you more last week. It was so crazy...crazy fun. Happy New Year to you guys!

Mr. and Mrs. Smith said...

Kim- have you checked the nativity at Seegull Book on Fairview? It is really inexpensive and looks very similar to the one..i picked out below in a previous blog. Glad you had a great Christmas! :)

Jennece said...

Your blog has inspired me to think of how I could reflect on something everyday to love or be greatful for, so thanks kim it's been wonderful to read everyday, you have had really creative posts!

Jilene said...

I watched your blog daily or bi-daily at least. I think I may try this for the next year. Is it ok if I steal your idea?

Jami said...

I am one of those that didn't leave tons of comments, but I loved reading and checking in on all your family fun!! Very inspiring! Thanks for the peek!

Lyric Payne said...

Really do you have to stop?

Cami said...

How come only 305 and not 365? And I hope you keep posting cuz I look forward to your blog every night!

Nancy said...

I would be so sad if you didn't post everyday! It's like I can't go to bed without. I loved how positive they always were BUT I ALSO loved when you described a bad day - The real life of being a mother of 4 young kids. Made me miss it but glad I am where I am...I think?

Books = Possibilities said...

I have really loved doing the daily posts. Even on the times when I've had to catch-up! And I've gained 3 followers because of it, not to mention been contacted by a children's book author and illustrator because of my posts. It's been pretty incredible!

I have really enjoyed watching your family through your blog, too. Even though I feel really left out when our family is all together, minus my four! I look forward to continually keeping up with your blog!

Love ya, Sis!

jgalke said...

Please dont stop! Your posts have given me the chance to evaluate my own family and the things I love. I too discovered that i secretly like getting up in the middle of the night to hold my little boy. You are inspiring.

The Holdaway Family said...

You always give me something fun to look forward to!

Amy said...

You're awesome, Kim!! I've loved your blog this year and have really enjoyed laughing along with you, being inspired by you and enjoying your photos and stories!!