Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Mess maker, mess maker, make me a mess!

I have really been trying my very best to keep our house clean.
It is so nice when the house is clean.
We are all so much happier and more calm!
But sometimes you just can't help but make messes!
Today we decided to make cookies...sugar cookies and frosting...
Lucky for me, most of this mess ended up on Cassi's face and HAIR...and fingers.
But she was a pretty happy camper!
The of course the boy.
He has really loved to sip out of the big cups lately.
I have to be careful not to let anyone leave their cups at the table or he climbs up on the chair and gets the cup...
And this is usually how it ends up.

Good thing Milk is pretty easy to clean up!
Look at that puddle on the seat....
I don't know...
possible GOT MILK ad?
By the way...it may appear that this boy is ALWAYS naked...
But I do dress him everyday...he just gets so messy, it is easier to strip the clothes off!


aryn said...

Kim- I have a lot to learn from you. I LOVE how you enjoy the simple things of life and just live in the moment...spilled milk and all:)

Love the kid's mexican outfits!

Erin said...

try having a 4 year old who still prefers to be naked. he strips all his clothes off & says he wants to be mowgli...i thought for sure by now he'd have grown out of it.

i love the action shot of the milk being spilled...so cute!

Malisa said...

Hey Kim- Yes, I LOVE my white table!! It is so easy to clean. I only have a few stains on it and its from paint. I just use Clorox cleanup on it, or Simple Green. It cleans so easy! I love the clean look of the white. If you need, I can take pictures of the table itself so you can see if you like it. Let me know! Hope this helps you out.

The Holdaway Family said...

Why is keeping our homes clean such a challenge?? I try, I am doing pretty good with getting dishes in the dishwasher as soon as they are dirty, but I always feel as though I am playing catch up...