Thursday, December 24, 2009


We LOVE traditions!!!
We LOVE Christmas eve...
Not only are the kids on their best behavior...(they try very hard to at least...)
But we have so many fun things that we do.
Of course the kids get their new jammies...but we usually let them open another present along with the jammies...
Well, this year they chose to open Grandma Ene's presents and among all the great treasures she sent...they got new jammies...
So we made them wait for the other jammies...what are they gonna do with two pairs of jammies tonight anyway?
Are we mean???
Thanks Grandma Ene for the snuggly warm jammies and socks!
We also use this day to make out Gingerbread train...
This year it was changed a bit...our gingerbread was a little too soft to make it Brent suggested just laying the pieces down on the board...and have a train...Beautiful!
The kids had so much fun decorating and eating...more eating then decorating....
I have so many more pictures to post...hopefully tomorrow I will have some down time and post them...
But I gotta get to bed so SANTA can come!!!


Books = Possibilities said...

Christmas is fun! Love the jammies! And love the gingerbread train!

Cami said...

I don't think that's mean to wait, they don't need two jammies right now! :) I love Elsie's socks! Merry Christmas!

Jodi Gallagher said...

We love getting new jammies too! We did a house out of gingerbread but it crashed so the kids ate your kids look darling in their new pjs