Saturday, June 13, 2009


We LOVE a good movie and popcorn!!!
We had other plans for the night that didn't work out.
We made peanut butter cookies (Dads fav.) to take to Dad at the fire station...
but he has been doing some testing and training and stuff all day, we didn't get a chance to take them to him.
That's okay...that just means he gets to have them tomorrow...all to himself!!!
So instead...
we popped some popcorn and watched 'Happy Feet'...
we also got to have some friends over...Alex and Ayden.
So we had a fun night anyway...
we will visit Dad at the station soon...
Maybe next time we will make cinnamon rolls.
They love those!!!


Cami said...

That picture of Elsie and Cassi is awesome, I love how it's focused. It looks like it should be in an ad for something! :)

Jenni said...

Thanks so much for having my girls over tonight! (earlier today too) You really are the greatest!

Mr. and Mrs. Smith said...

Hey Kim- I just got caught up on your blog! Sorry about your loss :(

Books = Possibilities said...

What a cute bunch of girls you have there! What movie did they watch?

If it works out during the fam. reunion...maybe there can be a kid movie time with all the grandchildren (maybe minus babies...) That could be fun! Popcorn (buttered and sugar&spice), cinnamon rolls, etc!

The Holdaway Family said...

We love popcorn and a movie too! I have been a slaker lately and we ran out of popcorn...

Malisa said...

So fun!!!

Sara said...

We also love popcorn and a movie! Cute kids!!!