Monday, March 02, 2009

Books, Books, and More Books!

Favs # 2/365
I love it that my kids love to read.
I am not a reader...can't read very takes a long time for me to get interested in a book, and I think my eyes are bad!
But, I always wished I was a better reader!
Well, I am glad that Brent has such great genes too pass down to his kids...
They have always enjoyed books.
Madi is one of the top readers in her class.
Truthfully, she reads better out loud than I can.
But this is what I want.
I want my kids to be better than me!

There is a small (long) story that goes along with why I chose this for my picture along if you would like.
This is how the day could have went.
Cassi was up all night, I mean ALL night crying cause her ear hurt.
Then 4 o'clock, Elsie and Cassi decide it is time to get up.
So we are up at 4 a.m.
Normally I would have been mean to Madi getting ready for school...cause I am mean when I am tired.
So I would have ruined Madi's day cause of being mean.
Then I would cancel tumble time for Elsie and sit around and do nothing all day except get annoyed with my kids.
Take Cassi to the doctor, and everyone would have been grumpy cause I WOULD BE GRUMPY!!!
And the whole day would play out in this fashion.
INSTEAD, this is how it went.
Cassi WAS up all night with her earache...
Cassi and Elsie DID wake up at 4 a.m.
The difference you ask???
If you ask me, it was all because of Madi.
At her school they are doing a read-a-thon. She BADLY wants to get the most hours.
I kept, she gets home from school, then it is homework, dinner, shower, and bedtime with barely her 20 minutes of reading for homework, when would she be able to fit more reading in.?
So Madi and I decided that after she got ready for school...that should give us enough time, 30 minutes, before her bus comes.
And what do you think she wanted to do with those 30 min.?
Family scripture reading.
So, she reminded me this morning.
And that's what we did.
Then off Madi went on the bus.
I called to get Cassi in to the doctor, made an appointment for 11:50.
Then I was about to cancel Elsie's tumble time...I knew she was tired...but Elsie LOVES tumble time so much! And I knew I could just leave if she was too tired.
So we went.
Normally I only take Elsie so I can focus on helping her.
But with Brent on shift today...I had the 3 youngest in tow.
On previous hadn't gone so well...screaming baby, Cassi running wild in the place, Elsie crying cause other people are trying to help her and she doesn't quite know them know the scenario...
guess what...
Cassi was great. She helped with Porter and when Porter needed me...Elsie let Mary, the helper, help her in all the things she needed to do.
It was awesome.
So then I had about 40 min between the end of tumble time and Cassi's dr. appt.
I needed to make a run to walmart...
Yikes...lately I have been able to go without kids...or just Elsie. (normally after tumble time)
But with three little ones...
again I say...YIKES!
But I HAD to get formula and I HAD to get diapers.
So there was no choice.
guess what?
They were great.
Porter fell asleep, no problem...I was worried because he is so used to being laid down in his crib to go to sleep...I thought he would get messed up for sure.
Nope...he slept very peacefully.
And the girls were great, and Cassi was very helpful.
Then it was time for the doctor appt.
We got there to a waiting room full of people.
I knew it would be a long wait.
I was worried!
guess what?
They were perfect!!!
Cassi got in and checked...she has an ear infection. Poor girl. (which by the way makes her being good even more amazing since she didn't feel good)
But you know what that meant...
going and picking up a prescription.
I thought my luck was gone for sure!!!
guess what?
It was very smooth...I even had to wait for it to be filled,
which is when we went and rented 'high school musical 3'.
(which provided my workout for the day later on)
Came home...had naps...Madi came home...dinner was served...homework was done...rocked out to High School Musical kids bathed.
Now to bed we hopes of a better night...and hoping for just as great of day for tomorrow.
(Also...moral of the story...I enjoy morning Scripture reading with my family, thanks to our Madi Bell)


Books = Possibilities said...

Kim, that is a great story. Too bad we don't live closer, since I have lots of books I could share with your girls!

Sara said...

Amazing! I am glad that your day went so well, even with so much that could have gone bad. We love books at our house, too!!

Anjeanette said...

I love that picture. Glad things went so well for you yesterday. Amazing how we are blessed when we do the things we are asked to do....

Angela said...

I can tell I'm going to love these 365 pictures. The story you told was extra special and I loved it.

Brooke said...

Oh tell miss Madi Bell she made me cry. She is an example to me with scripture reading...and I needed that especially today!! Kim, you've inspired me to start the 365 day challenge. I love the pics and the stories and these are the kind of things you want to remember forever. I also love your pic with all the kiddos reading. So cute!! Thanks for makign my day...something you seem to do quite regulary with your posts! makes me miss you guys even more!

Young family said...

Next time when Brent is on and you have tumble time.. Please bring me Porter and Cassi.. I would love to watch them.. (That is what friends are for)
And why does it always work out that our kids get sick in the night when the Dad is gone??? Happens to me too. We hope Cassi is feeling better soon.

Amy said...

I'm already loving your 365 faves and pictures! This was great.

Rachel said...

I like the book picture - very cool.

Kindermusik with Celeste said...

I love it when my kids surprise me like that...great story! Cute pic!

The Holdaway Family said...

That is a great story! I love the picture too, it looks like Elsie is kissing Porters hand!

Katie Call-Sommer said...

that's awesome I will make sure I read my scriptures now to make sure I have good easy going days!