Saturday, March 21, 2009

Bath Time!

Favs #21/365
I Love Chubba Bubba Bath Time!
I know...
all little ones love their Bath time!
But bath time at our house is quite an event!
If Elsie happens to hear the word BATH...
she goes bizerk!!!
Actually...Bizerk isn't a big enough word!!!
It usually takes a big chunk of time to get all four kids cleaned!
Luckily Madi takes care of her own showers...
I just have to worry about telling her to get out about 15 times...
I am sure that will only get better as we get into the teen years...right???
Elsie and Cassi love to splash around...
the bathroom is usually covered with water by the time they are ready to get out!!!
And my little bubba boy usually gets two baths!!!
One nice warm and comfy bath...
which he ALWAYS pees in!
So we empty that out and get set for the second bath!
He loves his baths!
He loves kicking and splashing around!
Then lotion...jammies...
all the works!


andrea wardle said...

Evan is almost three and he still pees in his bath... gross. Bath, then shower... every time! I don't think I've ever had to mop my bathroom floor because of the bath time antics of the little ones. It's nice to know I'm not the only one...

Sara said...

OH SO CUTE!!! I can't wait to get our little boys together!

Bath time is always a hit at our house, too!!

Bald n Beautiful said...

David loves his bath too. I'm loving your daily posts and will try to comment more!