Monday, March 30, 2009

Anyone Else???

Just curious if anyone else's day goes like this...
So I want the house to be clean for when my hubby returns after being gone five days.
My first task is to unload the basket of laundry which was washed the day he left.
Gotta put it away so he doesn't know it was sitting there the whole time.
So I grab Cassi's clothes...take them to her room...
her disastrous room.
Another thing to do before he gets home.
After I get her clothes in her drawer...
remembering that we still haven't gone through her clothes yet to see what still fits...but I already went through Madi's.
So Cassi has double the clothes...
the hand-me-downs from Madi...and what she had before...
Just another thing to do.
Then I clean up the blocks spilled all in front of her dresser, but also pick up some trash...
Which I take into the bathroom to throw away...
flush the toilet, cause it never seems to be flushed!
Realize I didn't empty Porters bathtub after his bath last night...
(I know safety hazard...but I plead insanity!)
Dump the water...realize maybe it wasn't the toilet that made the bathroom stink, but the overflowing garbage.
Pull the garbage bag out...walk downstairs, remember that the kitchen garbage is PAST overflowing...
drag it all out into the garage where I left the garbage cans after garbage day.
I left them there cause the fence gate is a little broken...(my fault)
Another thing to do.
So then I pull the garbage cans out the back garage door...cause they are making the garage stink...
notice a toy box that needs painting,
a window frame project that needs painting...
see Brent's scroll saw and reminds me of some fun fridge magnet ideas I have...
now I am remembering the basket of laundry I still have upstairs to get folded...
So I go inside.
See that I still haven't put away my studio lights from a session I had yesterday morning.
Take those in the office where I store them for now (another project in the works...convert closet at bottom of stairs into my photography supply closet)
Now I see the computer...why not check my e-mail?
It is already almost 1:00.
Anybody really think I am gonna get that laundry basket unloaded!


Dustin said...

Don't worry. We sent your husband home now. You can have him back. :-)

Anjeanette said...

ADD???? LOL :)

Wendy Sousley said...

I am not alone!! My days are often like that! I wonder if it is worth all the hassel, we should just get up and head straight for the computer! LOL!

Malisa said...

I think you just described my days to a perfect T! I used to make fun of my mom for doing stuff like that and now that is me. I'm sure you will get it done before Brent gets home. I feel the same about our house when my husband is gone for work. Good luck!

Jami said...

Oh, I am so glad to hear that you had a day that I seem to have over...and over...and over!! :) I am not the only one!! Yeah!!

michelle said...

Can I just say I love reading your blog! Nothing is sugar coated, like some people.
That is truley how I feel every monday, but especially today. We had a relator coming and the house was a bomb. I would start on one thing then move to something else. Then forget I had started that other thing... AHHHHHH!!! Now i am spinning in cricles. But all in all we are good wives and moms and seem to get it all done by the end of the day. But I tell ya I am ready for bed!

Books = Possibilities said...

Happens to me all the time.
And then NOTHING gets done, and it drives me nuts!

Cristy said...

You've just described my entire life (at least as a mom)! That happens to me WAY more often than I like to admit! How are you, my friend? Wendy S. told me how to find your blog, and I LOVE it! Your kids have gotten so big!!! I love being able to read about the fun lives of all my wonderful Idaho friends. Miss you all TONS! But Utah is good, too. :) We also have 4 kids now! Motherhood is exhausting, but I feel so blessed for the opportunity. Can't wait to read more about your cute fam!
Love, Cristy Crawford

Mr. and Mrs. Smith said...

You hit the nail on the head! My sentiments exactly!

Nead Family said...

i think most of us are in this same boat....except, for maybe....lyric payne

Alison said...

Nice to know someone else suffers with my disease!!!(: