Thursday, February 19, 2009


Guess who went to time-out for their first time today???
Can you tell how seriously she took it???
Look at that smile on her face!
You just can't get mad at this kid.
I need to learn not to baby Elsie so much.
All I saw was Cassi pushing Elsie...I got mad at Cassi and told her to go to time-out, and she said "But Elsie scratched me first!"
So I thought...well, I guess I need to put her there too...
Seriously...have you seen anyone ever look as cute as she does in time-out...(Cassi is pretty cute too.)


Books = Possibilities said...

She looks your FINALLY treating her like a big girl!

She is adorable. Both are.

Precious "Time-Out" moments.

(was she smiling before you got the camera out?)

Kim said...

Yes...she was smiling before I got the camera out...thats why I got it out!!!

Bald n Beautiful said...

Cute, time out in our house has a lot more kicking and yelling. Elsie is so sweet.

Jenni said...

With the way Elsie makes everything a game you better be careful. She probably thinks it is fun and so she is going to start scratching some more to see if you are gong to put her in time out.

The Stevensons said...

It looks like she is saying a little prayer for you. HEHE

Anjeanette said...

Holy cow....I don't know how you're going to do it. I think I would be busting up. She is SO dang cute.

Brooke said...

Oh I don't know if I could be mad at her very long ...what a cute little bug. She is the first kiddo who likes time-out I think. Give all your kiddos a big hug from us!!

Rachel said...

That is SERIOUSLY adorable. Easton doesn't look like that at all in time out.

Malisa said...

Oh my that is the cutest picture I have ever seen. I love the smile on her face! That a cutie! We laughed at Connor the first tine we put him in timeout too. It is always so funny! What cuties you have!!!

Amy said...

Oh my gosh... I LOVE that picture! Elsie is such a cutie... I don't know how you could ever punish her :)