Friday, October 03, 2008

Sleeping Beauty

This little angel has been such a stinker about naps lately!!!
She knows she is missing out of playing with her sisters, and she just won't go to sleep.
The other night while making dinner, she was SO GRUMPY!!! I just held her and she instantly fell asleep on my shoulder. Well, it was so late in the day I didn't want her to sleep long, but it would be nice if she slept so I could get dinner done!
So I just laid her on the floor and she slept until dinner time.
I just hope that she gets back in the NAP MODE before this new little guy arrives!!!


andrea wardle said...

Paige quit napping at 18 months and I really didn't know any different. Now, Evan, at 2, is still taking naps and I think it's an absolute DREAM! He does have his days though, and then gets back into the routine. Don't you just love it when they fall asleep right at the wrong time?! She is darling!

The Holdaway Family said...

Hopefully she starts wanting naps again...

I have never had a child like Reagan who BEGS for naps and bedtime...maybe she knows thats the only place she gets her binkys at...or maybe she knows thats the only place she gets some peace and quiet!

Nicole said...

My oldest stopped taking naps at 1, then my Madi stopped at about 14 months, Chloe still takes them... thank goodness, its me time then. good luck!

Sara said...

Oh, so cute! It really is so hard when kids refuse to take naps! Hopefully it won't last too long!