Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Preschool dentist office fieldtrip

Yesterday Cassi and her little preschool class took a trip to the dentist office. They had a lot of fun. Cassi got to get up in the big chair and put the camera in her mouth so everyone could see inside her mouth. It was a lot of fun. Then the kids came to my house to learn about the letter T...and teeth...


The Holdaway Family said...

OH my gosh, Cassi just gets cuter everytime I see her...I love the look she has while sitting in the chair, such a sweetie!

Bald n Beautiful said...

Man Cassi sure know when a camera is pointed at her. You are lucky.

Brittany said...

Kim, you are like SUPER MOM!

Lyric Payne said...

What a creative idea. If I ever do another co-op preschool I'll have to use the "T" for teeth idea. And major YEA's for Elsie. I can just see the biceps bulging on her!