Friday, April 23, 2021

Friday April 23

I think things went pretty good that with Tatonka ❤️
She is a quick learner and still so sweet!
We did do school today.
Not full school.
We did practice isat tests success they start their online isats next week 😬
And we also did science where we talked about the life cycle of the plant.
Spent a lot of time outside, Tonnie really likes it out there with Mater....Mater still isn't sure about her 😂
At dinner, Elsie and Cassi played a game of taste testing weird tastes.
Then they had a contest of who could go the longest without making a funny face AFTER drinking lemon juice 😂😂
Tonight Port had Friday night flag.
His team didn't win, but port got a touchdown and he also pulled 5 flags.
So I call that a win!!!!
We took sweet Tonnie with us, and she got a good nap...
Guess she's not a football fan!
Elsie is loving Tonnie.
Elsie is the one who feeds her food to her.
We look forward to seeing some leash training so that Elsie can start taking her on walks ❤️


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