Friday, January 01, 2021

Friday January 1, 2021


A whole new year.

I need to recommit myself to this blog!

I have missed way too many days!!!!

And this family journal is one of my most treasured I should act like it 😁


Today we had a little family meeting to talk about and come up with a family theme.

I am really excited about what we came up with.

Usually I go into these things either with something already in mind, or kind of the direction I want it to do....

But today was different.

We went in and brainstormed together and came up with something pretty great.

We talked about how Nephi want asked to build a ship and expected to do it right away.

No, he was given instruction so by step.

First make tools.

Then cut and shape the building materials etc.

So that is where our discussion led.

So many "goals" we have are big and seen a little overwhelming.

So we talked about Step by step, small incremental changes that lead us to our goal.

So the theme became:

"Growing in the Lord's pattern"

Then we made family goals and moved onto taking about the children and youth program and we made goals there too.

I think it will be a good year for our family ❤️

After dinner, we went and got ice cream at c4 so we could see Cassi.

She was slammed with customers and she was the only one working.

But she was a rock star!

She worked so hard and was still friendly to everyone.

She did great.

Then back at home we hopped in the hot tub and played some Uno 😁


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