Saturday, July 18, 2020

Saturday July 18

I wasn't as productive today as I would have liked to be.....
But that's okay.
Dad went in for an overnight shift today.
I ran 7 miles, but I waited too long to go and had to run when it was pretty hot!
But it was still a good run.
We went swimming at the Morgan's.
Not much else.
Some cleaning of the house.
A lot of my time was occupied trying to figure out/look around for school options.
Our district offers a virtual schoolhouse, but I'm not sure if we want to go that route.
But also, our school still doesn't know for sure what is gonna happen until a week before school starts!
I just hate all this!!!!
We had a nice evening bike ride and then Port and I watched about half of spiderman: spider verse 😁
I have an early meeting tomorrow, so we didn't finish the whole movie.
Cassi worked earlier then went to roaring springs with her friends this evening, so she's not home yet.....
Madi and Logan got to Cheyenne for the night.
They will get home tomorrow evening.
Sounds like things have gone pretty good, except for Madi's hives and now today... Swelling in her hand and feet joints.
Hopefully it all clears up and goes away soon!!!

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