Sunday, May 12, 2019

Sunday May 12

Happy Mothers Day.
So it was a pretty good day.
Lots of fighting before church, per usual.
It's funny how I work myself up and get more mad than I should because of what I 'expect' Mother's Day to be like.
It is pretty dumb.
Somewhere during sacrament meeting I cooled off :)
Madi spoke today.
She did a great job.
They had all the seniors speak.
She spoke about parts of the Proclamation and how motherhood and nurturing can be different for all kinds of people.
Then she said the sweetest things about me and she told everyone about how I love to scare her and Cassi :)
And also about the 8 seconds hugs I try to give them.
I appreciate the things she says because there are days that go by that I wonder if anything is getting through to them.
I loved the things she said about me being an example in scripture study and FHE etc.
Those exact things were said in my patriarchal blessing.
So the fact that those things are being fulfilled.....I may not be perfect, but maybe I am doing okay :)
We had the sister missionaries tech the YW so we got to go to Relief society where they fed us yummy muffins and we watched a conference talk, the one by Sharon Eubanks from this last conference.
Then we just chatted among each other for the rest of the hour.
I am not a big breakfast eater, so Dad made a Mothers day brunch with omelets and bacon :)
Then we had some down time and some went was a beautiful day!
Dad and I took a little cat nap.
Then when we woke up, we did our Come, Follow Me.
Today we talked about what more can we do?
The scriptures talked about the 'camel having a better chance of fitting through the eye of a needle than a rich man does of getting into heaven'.
How we need to be willing to give all we have to serve others and serve the Lord.
How we need to have trust in the Lords plan the way a child has trust.
It is hard to have that kind of trust when you can't see exactly what the future might bring.
But then if you knew what would happen, then you wouldn't need trust :)
Anyway, it was a good reminder to give more of myself to serve others and to not judge!
We are all trying our best!
There is also a parable in there of the workers in the vineyard.
The first hour workers getting the same pay as the 11th hour workers.
That could make the first hour workers angry, or we could think of it as being thankful for the help at the end of a really long day.
I think of the youth now a days being the 11 hour workers.
The pioneers and past generations being the first and third hour workers etc.
The got things rolling for the youth and now here they come, harvesting that crop that was planted!
We need all hour workers!
We are all a team working for the same goal.
Should the pioneers (first hour workers) get a better eternal life than the youth (11th hour workers) now a days???
No, of course not!
We are all working for the same thing!
I really enjoyed that story.
After our lesson, Dad, Port and I went to check on a friend who was sick today.
They made ice cream for Cassi while she had her surgery, so we returned the bowl with some brownies in it.
We got back home and Dad had made a yummy roast dinner.
We cleaned up and did scripture study and prayer early so everyone could get to bed!!!!!!
We all need sleep!

Madi is the only one who asked for her own picture with me after church :)

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