Sunday, March 17, 2019

Sunday March 17

We went to sacrament meeting today.
Ryan spoke and he did a fantastic job.
He talked about 'leaving the 99 to find the ONE'.
He shared great stories and examples.
But what it comes down to is, the Lord is aware of us, INDIVIDUALLY.
Of our needs, our wants.
He wants the best for us.
He is there for us.
I know the Lord knows my struggles.
I may think I know what the right answers and exactly what needs to happen to fix my problems.
BUT, the lord knows what I need BETTER.
He knows what is best for the long run, not just right now.
Trusting in the Lord can be easy sometimes, but when we think life should go one way and it doesn't.....boy that is harder to trust in the Lord's plan!
But, we still must.
We must have Faith.
We must press on and forward.
After church, most of us gathered at Dave and Cindy's for some early dinner before heading to the viewing.
The evening went nice.
There was a line of people the whole night.
The video Andy made was amazing.
It was both hard and good.
We will miss that Gramps of ours.
But so grateful he is with his "Little Bear".

Brent found this note in Gramps wallet along with this sweet picture of his 'Little Bear'.
It reads:

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
You are my love, my life, my forever.
Love ya, I could not do it without you.
The girl you found in 1956

I love that she wrote this to him, but I love that he carried it with him at all times.
Their love was a real love ❤

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