Saturday, December 15, 2018

Saturday December 15 (add pictures)

It has been a fun day.....and it is late, so pictures later.
Woke up and cleaned the church.
Dad, and other fire guys, helped St Alphonsus with donating stuff to DI.
Porter had a basketball clinic.
I went and did more last minute shopping.
We all got back home, except Madi.
She worked until 3.
Dad had to go and fix some shingles on the roof.
That windstorm yesterday.....told you it was bad!
Cassi went and hung out with friends.
Porter, Elsie and I went to the Nielsen's house to make gingerbread houses with the neighbors.
That was a fun time.
Elsie stayed there and actually hung out all night with them so Dad and I could go on a date!
Anyway.....I took some pictures of the Edwards with GG.
Cassi babysat the Halls and took Porter with her.
Then Dad and I went out.
We have each other our Christmas gifts tonight too.
His gift to me was the most thoughtful ever, and maybe one of my favorites.
So let me preface, I sleep with like 30 blankets on me at night because I like the weight.
He bought me a weighted blanket!!!!
I think that the best gift ever is something that someone doesn't ask for, but the giver observes and notices and figures out something that the person they are giving to will love.
I never asked for a weighted blanket, never talked about it.
But for him to do that, I just think it is the most thoughtful gift and I LOVE IT!!!!!
I can't wait to go to sleep tonight!!!!!

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