Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Wednesday March 21

Today has been one of those really crazy run-around days!
I was in the office, then went right to Art Smart with Porter.
I had go right from there to pick up Cassi for her ortho. appt.
After I took her back to school, I gave myself the gift of a trip to Hobby Lobby!
There are some handles I have been wanting to get for a project I have in mind.....and the handles are 50% off right now!
So of course I had to go!!!!
Hobby Lobby is just the greatest!
I came home with a bit more than just the handles.....
I got some Easter gifts for the kids.
Madi and Dad will be gone on Easter, so I think we will be celebrating it this Sunday.
Anyway, each year the kids get a framed picture of I bought the frames for that.
Anyway, Hobby Lobby is my happy place :)
I came home and then there was more running around.
Cassi had Rugby at Heritage that was quite a drive.
I took her, but another mom brought her back.
Porter went to half of scouts, but then I picked him up early so he could go to his football practice that got changed to today for this week.
Madi, Elsie, Everly and I went to YW.
Everly hung out with us because Sherrie has been teaching High Fitness, and it is just easier for her (and more fun for me) to just leave Everly with me :)
We played Hungry Hippos and dodge ball with the YM.
It is hit and miss sometimes when we combine....especially when it is a competitive game!
But I still think kids had fun.
We came home, I picked up Port from Vern's.
She so kindly kept him after football......they got rained on and they were soaking wet!
So she brought him home and he got dry clothes on and she fed him some dinner :)
So then Sherrie grabbed Everly and we all hopped in bed!
I am tired!
There is more running around going on tomorrow too....BUT.....tomorrow is the last day of school before Spring break!!!!!
Except for Madi, she still has school on Friday.

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