Tuesday, February 06, 2018

Tuesday February 6

A couple days ago, Elsie's name was announced at school for getting her marathon!!!!!!
That is 26.2 miles!!!!!
So proud of her!
Porter is coming up on his 4th marathon!!!!!!
Pretty dang awesome!
Proud of them.
So today we went to the gym and then I had Brent take a look in my mouth because I was noticing a whitish bump forming on the spot that has been so tender on my gums.
He took a picture of it and we called the sinus place and the dentist.
They believe it is an abscess.
I am beyond frustrated.
The sinus place says to let the dentist deal with is, dentist says I most likely need a root canal.
Sinus place says if I get a root canal, we have to postpone surgery.
So I feel so stuck.
I will go tomorrow to see the Endodontist and hopefully get some imaging done and figure out what we need to do.
My teeth themselves don't hurt at all.
It literally just looks and feels like what ever is in my Maxillary sinus, is dripping through my gums....but I guess that is not possible....or very unlikely.
But what kind of bad luck is it to have all this sinus stuff, and tooth problems, and them not be related?
I can tell you , I am beyond sick of it!
Hopefully at least by tomorrow we can know more what the plan will be.
I can tell you I have had more than a few tears of frustration today :(
Dad went to the dentist to have the work checked that he had done a few days ago...things look good for him, so that is great.
I went VT for a little before the big girls got home.
Then this evening, we had a girls night and went to see "The Greatest Showman" with my girls and Vern and Bubble!
It was a fun time!
I do love that show.
I love the music, the casting....and the take-away message.
Be you!
Don't change who you are, what you believe because you think people will like you better for it.
Don't apologize for being different.
Elsie bug loved it and was quite excited about the music :)
It was a fun night.
While we were gone, the Edwards boys hung out with Porter, and Dad got the cement board in the bathroom.
He got the pipes fixed up and other pipe issues done downstairs......
Old pipes....so much fun...right 👎

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