Wednesday, January 03, 2018

Wednesday January 3

We woke up this morning to the news that President Monson passed away last evening.
I felt sad and I felt the great loss.....
But I also felt happy, because he is now reunited with his sweet wife.
He was such a great man.
Such a strong leader.
Such a kind soul and I love him so very much.
I loved the love he had for people.
The tenderness in his voice when he spoke.
The Christ like way he lived his life.
What a wonderful man.
I will always cherish the things he taught by word and example.
Today we just did a lot of errand type things.
I spent a good chunk of my day at a YW board meeting.
Lots to go over for the upcoming year!!!!!
Elsie had her friend Malia over for a little bit before she headed to Activity Days with Sierra.
Porter waited all day for some kind of friend!
The Edwards boys finally got home from Tamarack around he was happy to get some friend time today :)
Dad, Cassi and I made a run to Deseret Book and Costco this evening.
We were supposed to drop Cassi off at her friends house, but she wasn't home when we showed up, so Cassi just came with us.
And then we spent the evening watching some fun games hows and TV.
I am trying to convince Brent that we need to start staying up late and sleeping in so that we are better able to deal with the Hawaii hours!
That is my plan anyway.
So, here it is after 11, and I just barely put the little ones to bed!!!!!!
But that is only 8:00 in Hawaii, so I think we are doing good.
They have been sleeping until at least 8, sometimes that makes it 5or 6 a.m. in Hawaii.
That is a great time to catch a sunrise :)

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