Friday, September 02, 2016

Friday Sept 2 (add pictures)

I went to an art smart meeting this morning.
It will be another fun year of art at the school!
Then i went to a few thrift stores to try and find some cowboy boots for Port....
You can't be in a rodeo and not have cowboy boots!
Luckily I found some for $4!
They are a little on the smaller end of his size, but they will work :)
It has been awhile since he has worn boots!
Anyway....I did more laundry.
In between the things I did today, I started peeling more pears.
Oh the fun........
I was VB pickup so I got them.
Then Cass and I went to visit one of our new Beehives that has a birthday tomorrow.
After that, Cassi got to go to her friend, Sami's house.
Madi helped me out and mowed the lawn.
It looks so nice when it is all mowed up :)
She also helped with the little kids.
Elsie was kind of a stinker today.
She had a hard time at the end of school.
She was so tired and there was a lot of writing to do.
Anyway.....she ended coming home with some homework.....
Soooo........when it came time to get it done (cause I DO NOT want to take it with me because I KNOW it won't get done with all the stuff we will be doing....) She had a meltdown.
Like 45 minutes solid crying.
Once she calmed down and I was able to talk to her, it took maybe 10 minutes to finish.
Oh Elsie....why do you make things so much harder for yourself?!?!?!?!
Hopefully next time, it will go better.
So I did another batch of pears.
I filled 5 bottles.
Guess what?
2 bottles busted!!!!!!!!
I wanted to cry :(
What am I doing wrong!
It really made me sad.
But at least I got 3 more good bottles.....

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Are making sure they are kerr or ball bottles and not ones from a craft store or something?????