Thursday, March 31, 2016

Thursday March 31

 After school, Madi got to work at picking up the sticks around the place.
She was panning to mow the lawn, but that battery was dead.
So it is charging now.....
I picked up Cassi's track carpool, and then when I brought her home, she went out and helped Madi.
I have no idea if there was fighting, bossing around and yelling going on at this point, but it still made me happy to watch them working together :)
I took the little ones to S.T.E.M. night at the school.
It was a fun night and we didn't even get to half of all the stuff they had there!!!!!
I got home and got them into bed, and both of them had to have me go back in to read some more.
Maybe they were just so riled up and over stimulated :)
But it was fun.

 Rocket attempt blew off (I think they had it dialed up too high....)
 Rocket attempt #2, highly successful!

 They put balloons in a dry ice mixture and the balloon would shrink, then when you took it back out, it would go back to size.
 Marshmallow frozen in dry ice, cold and crunchy!
 This was a fav!
Draw a black line and that little blue robot would follow it.
Then you could put different color sequences and it would do different things, like go faster, spin, moonwalk :)
It was super cool!
 They are each holding two balls that are exactly the same size, weight and color.....
except one bounced high and the other fell flat.
Pretty cool!
They hit these two balls together to burn a tiny hole in the paper.

 Elsie is controlling that cute little robot to the right of the picture....she had fun with that.
 These are cubelets.
You put them together in certain orders and they do different things.
I made a flashlight and Port made a car and Elsie made her own invention.....and it moved crazy and we all thought it was pretty funny!
 Engineering a house and then seeing how strong it is by using a blow dryer (disguised as a wolf) to try and blow it over.
 All while eating a mouthful of cookies :)
Then again with a leaf blower wolf.
His house was successful!
It was a fun night :)

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