Sunday, May 17, 2015

Sunday May 17

Madi did a great job on her talk today in Sacrament meeting.
Her sweet friend, Karly, came to watch her.
She sat with us and my kids were on super good behavior.....
Maybe I need her to come every week ;)
As soon as she got done with her talk and sat back down, she started getting spots in her eyes and knew a migraine was coming on :(
So I took her home when I took Dad home.
Poor girl!
But before I could take them home, I needed to help Porter give the prayer in Sharing time.
When I told him he had the prayer, his eyes got big and asked if it was in sacrament.
I told him, no, he was safe from that for quite a while......
He was relieved :)
I helped him with the prayer, but the teachers were doing an inservice, so his teacher wasn't there.
Well, he refused to go without knowing who his teacher was!
They had subs sitting in the room watching the kids, but no one in particular for Port's class.
Well, Caroll Furhiman came out and convinced him to sit by her and play with some magnet toys she has.
That was so great of her to step in and help me out :)
So I got Dad and Madi home and into their beds.
Back at church I got to enjoy my YW lesson.
I am so glad that  am not the lesson person for the girls.
Cindy does such an amazing job with giving lessons to the girls.
She makes it relatable to their lives.....
Anyway....I hope one day to be able to give lessons like she does!
After church we had our Home Teachers (Jason Woodland and his son) come over.
We haven't had HT's over for it will be nice to get back to that :)
Kids finished up some homework, then we found out that they have Granite Flats episodes on Netflix.
So we tried to get caught up on last season so we can watch the newest ones.
Oh, and Elsie has a loose tooth.
I should actually call it a dangling tooth.
I don't even know what it is still hanging on to!
But she refuses to pull it out, won;t let anyone near it.
Silly girl.
She might have already swallowed it in her sleep!

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