Monday, April 20, 2015

Monday April 20

Drew and Heather came this morning to help some more.
I think they are getting close to being part-owners of the house :)
The stairs guy came and worked on stairs again.
He does good work.
It seems to take a long time....maybe that is just cause I am anxious.....
But he is very good with the finish work.
I am just so excited to see it all done!!!!
After getting Port home from school, I actually got to go for a run!
And on top of that....I got a shower!!!!
Big day for me ;)
Tonight I had Jen Zanelli and her daughter Becka surprise us and stop by with some pizza, root beer and a box full of donuts.
I can't even say how this made our evening go so much smoother!!!!!!
The PT called today to see if I could bring Madi in for a 5:00 appt.
So that was right in the time period that we would usually be having dinner.
Having that pizza, and not having to worry about anything....well it was so wonderful!
Madi had a deep tissue massage to being with at her appt.
Then she showed Madi some good stretches to be doing at least twice a day.
Then she hooked her up to a TENS (nerve stimulation) unit.
She left feeling a lot better then when she started.
But I am curious how she will feel in the morning :)
She wore a brace (dads old one) all day today and it really helped her with her posture, which in turn helped a lot with the pain.
She had a baggy shirt today, so I am not sure how often she will wear the brace.......
Even though I think it would be smart!
I need to look into finding one that will fit her.
This one is pretty big and digs into her hips.
Elsie got to work on her homework with daddy.
Always a big hit :)
She just loves her daddy so much and he makes her giggle.
A lot.
Later, after we came back home and had dinner, we went outside.
It was a beautiful night.
We decided to do some work together as a family.
Nothing big.
Spraying some weeds, trying to hose out voles from their holes, and taking the ducks and goose for a swim in the canal.
It was a nice night.
Good to get out and feel a little bit back to normal.

1 comment:

Emily Peterson said...

The stairs are looking great!

I'm glad that you all had a good day - love seeing the pics of you all outside!