Sunday, August 24, 2014

Sunday August 24

What a wonderful day today.
First of all, Madi received her Young Womanhood Recognition Medallion today.
So proud of her and all the work she has put into receiving this award.
It's no little feat.....
The time involved is huge.
What a great experience it has been for her.
And for her to stay so focused on driven.
Your awesome Bell :)
The other awesome thing....and it's about the bishop coming over yesterday....
I got released from my calling as the 1st counselor in the Primary Presidency.
Which is actually kind of sad for me.
I feel like I was just getting the hang of things....getting in a groove....
And I do love those kids.
They also extended a new calling to me.
A call to be the 2nd counselor in the Young Woman's Presidency.
How awesome is that????
That means that I will be working with Madi :)
I am super excited.....and a little nervous, and intimidated.
I had a YW calling about a year after we got married.....but only for a short time.
I loved it for that short time, and I am excited to be back in there.
But scared :)
Madi says she is excited too, so that's good!
Tomorrow is the first day of school.
Each kid got a Fathers blessing this evening, and it was just what they needed.
Maybe just what I needed too.
To calm a worried mama's heart.
I had some favorite parts in each blessing...
For Port, it was that he will feel safe at school like he does at home.
He has had some of the same anxiety that Cassi had a few years ago.
Like not going to friends houses, cause we won't be there.
Anyway....I am praying all goes well tomorrow.
He is excited to go we will see.
In Elsie's blessing, he talked about being willing to try new things.
I have been a little worried, the classroom she is in is pretty high tech.
But hearing that as a part of her blessing gave me great comfort.
I know there will be rough times for her this new year, but she is a rock star and she can definitely do hard things!
He talked about Cassi's tender heart and that she will fill her heart with righteous things.
She does have such a tender heart....and I know that Satan tries to work hard on her because of that.
We have had many nightly talks with her about how she feels and how she can be such a great influence to those around her if she continues to choose the right.
People do as she does, and that is a big responsibility.
And Madi Bell, he talked about her being a beacon of light to her friends and those around her.
That she will continue to be that way.
And that she will always be a leader and not a follower.
Going into 8th gets harder and harder to figure if what you are doing is because you want to do it, or if it is because of what those around you are choosing.
I have faith in Madi, she is a good kid.
She has made her good choices early in life, and she still sticks to them.
I pray it will always be that way.
I am thankful for Brent, for his worthiness to give his children such beautiful priesthood blessings.
or the words of strength and encouragement he give s to our children.
Life is pretty good around here :)


Emily Peterson said...

Congrats Madi!!! So proud of you!!

You will be so great with the Young Women Kim!!!

What wonderful blessings each kid received! They will have a wonderful year!!

Young family said...

I am so happy for you! young womens' is so much fun.. it took me a month or two to get the groove and feel involved with the girls, but you will do great!.. You will miss primary for sure! Good luck with school today!

Mom/Grandma/Nana said...

So so so so so beautiful inside and out. Two completely amazing women and they are mine!!! I LOVE YOU!!!

Mom/Grandma/Nana said...

I printed a copy of what Brent mentioned in the kids' blessings so that I could read them over and over. They are so beautiful and so conforting. You truly are blessed to have such a great priesthood leader in your home!