Monday, May 20, 2013

Monday May 20

It was a full day of irrigation again...
Only this time, Dad came up with a clever way to flood irrigate most of the lawn area.
Which is awesome.
Cause we have been moving sprinklers around all day, every day, and the lawn still is having a rough time.
Sp hopefully this is the answer.
We did end up flooding porters room (again)....
There must be some kind of leak on the side of the house into his room.
Elsie's is on the same side of the house and hers never gets wet.
So we pulled the rugs out, cause last time we just got rid of the carpet.
We will dry them out and throw them back in.
Then I mopped up the cement floor and he was good to go :)
Another great thing we did today....
Started planting in the garden!
I am so excited.
I hope it all works out as I have planned.
Madi and Porter helped me out the some of it.
And Elsie and Cassi played int he water.
Soon enough they were all in the water.
Too bad I didn't get a picture of them all soaked.
But they had fun....and there was only a little bit of fighting.
Mostly because of Porter....
He missed his nap cause he went to a birthday party instead.
He had so much fun!
And that was when I got most of my planting done :)
Dad and I started our own wellness challenge together...starting today.
I am excited for us to work on it together.
We have different goals as far as fitness go, him bigger, me smaller....
But the goals we have are all good, healthy, well rounded good goals.
And it is fun to help to motivate each other.

1 comment:

Mom/Grandma/Nana said...

Looks Wonderful! Perfect!