Saturday, April 20, 2013

Saturday April 20

So we made up for our lazy day yesterday and worked all morning long.
Got a lot done.
Brent and I went to the gym in the morning and when we got home the kids had done a really good job cleaning the house up.
There were a few more things to get done before we headed outside.
We picked up lots of dead branches that have broken off from the major wind we have had.
We cut the bushes in the front yard.
Had a big pile of leave for the goats....and a big pile of wood for a big fire....soon.
Then of course the mowing and weed eating.....
Successful day outside.
Then later Brent and I went to the Stake Conference adult session and then a little group of us went out for some dessert.
It was a fun night out.
Now it's late and we gotta get some sleep!