Thursday, June 21, 2012

Thursday June 21

Jenni invited us to go swimming with her today.
Elsie had a dentist appointment at 2:00, so we made plans to go after that.
One of Elsie's silver caps is wiggly.
I wanted to take her in to see what our options were.
She had to be put under general anesthesia when we had it done.
So I wanted to find out what we had to do about it being wiggly.
The dentist told me that they did a pulpectomy on it, and sometimes the roots the tooth falls out.
He thinks that is what is happening to Elsie.
So for now, we wait for it to fall out, and then watch for her 6 year molars to push through, then we will worry about putting spacers in then.
We will still probably have to do general anesthesia fun.
But Elsie was a good girl.
She tried to be so brave.
I told her that they are her friends there...and they just want to make sure nothing bad was happening in her mouth.
She cried, but allowed them to look in her mouth.
She wasn't scared.....she wasn't worried.....I think she was just overwhelmed with all the emotions she was feelings and all she could do was cry.
Cause she willingly did all they asked, just cried while she did it :)
Dr Whitt is so great with her too.
You can tell she really likes him.....She just couldn't help but cry....
Then we went with the Terry girls and headed to the pool.
It was fun to see a lot of friends who I haven't seen for a long time.
Fun to sit and talk and relax.
Afterwards, we had a little pizza/watermelon picnic with the kids at Jenni's house.
The kids played and had a good time.
It was a fun relaxing day.

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