Saturday, February 25, 2012

Saturday February 25

We got to have another fun little date night out tonight.
We had a ward activity for the adults tonight.
It was called 'Manfood' night.
The men had to cook a 'manly' dish, and not allow the woman to help in any way....even in clean-up.
Brent made some 'Sweet Firehouse Chicken'.
It turned out really good.
And it was a big hit at 'manfood' night.
He didn't win the grand prize.....but it is hard compete with the  'Hamburger and Fries Pepperoni pizza' where the pepperoni pizza was topped with fries and hamburgers smothered in cheese.
Pretty funny :)
Anyway....the chicken turned out really yummy and it was a fun night to get to know more people in the ward.
It has been kinda hard to get to know people.
There are so many....and our ward boundaries cover a very large area.
Plus, both of us are in we know a lot of kids....just not the parents!
We are slowly getting to know faces and names.
But it sure it taking a while!

Dad made enough so we could leave some chicken behind for the kiddos to have for dinner.
They all loved it.
Like I said....big hit :)
This afternoon, Madi Cassi and I spent some time junp roping out in the shop.
I knew Madi was rocking it with the backwards jumping.....but MAN, that is so hard to do!!!
I tried it backwards and got a total of 13....while Madi was scoring in the 80's.
And what a great workout.
I need to practice with her more often!
Only two more weeks until her competition....she is really wanting to break 100 backwards jumps, so that is the goal we are trying to hit.
She will get it....I knw she will.

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