Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sunday July 24

We survived church again without dad.
I am always glad I go to church, even though it would be easier to just stay home. :)
I did really enjoy myself in my classes today, so the hour that I wrestle Port during Sacrament meeting is well worth it.
This boy has so much energy.
It really is exhausting chasing him around all day.
I am sure that once he gets past the toddler stage it will get easier, right?
But he is so fun to have around.
He is full of love, he just does not always know how to express it.
But when he does it right, he is so sweet.
He does love his Elsie.
He is rough with her, and she is very cautious when he comes near her.....

But he is so sweet.
I know this little boy was sent to our family to be her protector.
He is rough and tumble for a reason.
So I guess my job is to guide his 'energy' in the right direction.
I know he is a good boy.
I love him so very much.
I am thankful for his spirit of love, even if it is rough love. :)
The little ones are in bed.
I just had a heart to heart with the big girls, and right now they are singing primary songs together on the couch.
Love it.
Lately we have been talking about how it seems that Satan is really trying hard to rip families apart in these days.
More than ever.
Brent and I are trying hard to make our family strong and unbreakable.
The only way to do that is as a team, and to include Heavenly Father as a part of that team.
There seems to be so much in our lives that pull us away from each other as a family.
It is scary....
But I know that Brent and I have the same goals.
The same wants.
I know that because of that, our family can only become stronger.
I am so thankful for the gospel in my life.
So thankful that we, as a family, have the gospel to turn to.
Leaders to guide and lead us.
I am thankful for the spirit we feel in our home and I will do anything I can to keep it here.
I am always amazed on Sundays.
It always seems that whatever the lessons are, whomever teaches them, whether the topics are related or not.....they always have something that I am SUPPOSED to hear for what is going on in my life.
I am thankful for the trials we have.....cause they only make us stronger.
I am so thankful to have my husband.
The love I feel for him is unreal.
I am so thankful to have him forever!
Really, FOREVER!
I can't imagine anything ever tearing us apart......but it is so important to never stop working to make sure that nothing really does. I said....good day at church.
I didn't mean to make a testimony out of it.....but it is important for myself to actually write this down for my kids to read way down the road.
Or maybe even read it tomorrow.
It's just important.
I really do love my family and will do anything I can to protect it.


Young family said...

Thanks for sharing your testimony Kim- You have a strong one. You are an amazing person. It is fun to watch you with your kids. They are great, and yes, very full of energy. There is nothing better than being call mom, or mommy, .... Families are forever!!!!

Nancy said...

I've been thinking alot about how we need to flood the internet with good. So thanks for your example and testimony!

Nancy said...

PS and including the links to was great!