Saturday, August 14, 2010

Roaring Springs Day...

We had a very long and fun day today.
We usually only go to Roaring Springs once a year...and these guys travel a long time to come here with it is an all day thing.
But so much fun.
The weather was perfect...the lines were a little long at times...but nothing too bad.
I think everyone got to fit in the fun stuff they wanted to do...

Elsie was hating it at first...
She didn't like all the people....all the noise...all the splashes.
But just as we were getting ready to leave, lots of people had already left for home, and she was just loving it.
I felt bad taking her away from it all to go home...

The girls had a lot of fun playing with Heather and Lauren...
Minus the few times we lost Cassi...things went pretty smoothly...
Cassi LOVED the Avalanche with her Dad....
This girl has NO FEAR!
Porter even went down the magic carpet ride by himself...I need to add more pictures later...
But he had no problem going down by himself...
Those two have no fear!
Elsie and Porter and I did a little bit of waiting while the big kids, Dad included, got to go on the big rides.
They were really good today.
We had a lot of fun, and can't wait to do it again next year!


Books = Possibilities said...

What fun! I love the look of that avalanche ride! I think that would be something I'd really enjoy!

Jodi Gallagher said...

Wow that place looks like so much fun!