Sunday, January 03, 2010


I love when we take the time to paint and draw together.
I used to do so much drawing and sketching...not so much anymore with kids.
I would love to start doing it more.
It brings me so much joy to sit down with my girls and see how much they love it, like I do...and also, it makes me happy that I have things I can teach them...and it makes me happy that there is actually some talent that I passed down to them.
But as far as talent goes...I used to be much better.
When you don't continue with something it goes away, right...
So I am going to try to do this more with my kids.
That way we can all benefit, right!

And I just had to include a funny little thing from Cassi.
At our family white elephant exchange party last week Madi got a set of sundae dishes...for ice cream.
She was very excited about them.
The last few days Cassi has been asking, "Can I have some water in those church glasses?" and "When are we gonna use those church bowls."
It took me a little while to figure out what in the world she was talking about!
Tonight after dinner I told them they could have ice cream if they kept the house clean and didn't fight.
They weren't too bad.
So they got ice cream.
In Madi's sundae bowls.
Cassi was so happy that we were finally using the church glasses.
(Get it...sundae, sunday, church...)
Silly kid.
In hind-sight...this is the kind of thing that is much funnier when you are there in person.


Nancy said...

I'm a little slow but it finally clicked. Sundae-Sunday-Church :) Thanks for the chuckle

Books = Possibilities said...

Cute! How fun to share and enhance your talents with your children's

Cami said...

Hahaha, that's hilarious! Cassi is such a funny girl! And from what I can tell Madi's painting looks amazing, as usual!

Amy said...

I think that's so funny! Love how kids minds work!

Jodi Gallagher said...

That is a great idea to spend time developing your talents together. I love the 'Sunday bowls'! Its so good to write down the funny things kids say so you don't forget them!

Jami said...

How funny!!