Monday, July 06, 2009


I LOVE it when I make it through the day after vacation...
I almost have....
You know how the day after you get back from vacation is always BAD!!!
I will post about our vacation tomorrow...I promise!!!
I gotta get some sleep!
(as soon as those other three are sleeping!!!)

note: after I took this picture of Cassi...I went downstairs to do the dishes, Brent called and I talked to him and then I hear footsteps and it was Cassi coming in the kitchen, crying.
She was sleep walking.
Cassi has ALWAYS been a sleepwalker.
Does anyone else have a sleepwalker???


Books = Possibilities said...

Aarynn is a sleepwalker. It's so weird when it happens, too, because sometimes it's hard to tell if they are awake or asleep!

Sara said...

Ya... it always seems like the first day back is BAD!!!

We don't have sleepwalkers that I know of... :)

I am still excited to hear about your trip!

Kristi said...

Samantha has night terrors which include sleepwalking at times. I truly hate it! Your babies are all so cute!

The Holdaway Family said...

Bailey always ends up in our bed by morning time and she swears that she does not remember going in she must sleep walk a little.