Saturday, April 04, 2009

A little Sad

I just wanted to say something regarding a rude comment left by someone anonymous.
I don't understand why someone would have to write something rude.
If they don't like reading our family blog...don't look at it.
There is no reason to be rude.
I use this blog as an uplifting happy thing to remind myself how blessed I am to have such a wonderful family.
I don't understand why people have to be mean.
Just had to get that off my chest.
And by the way, anonymous comments are not allowed anymore.
Thanks to all the great people who give such great comments and love my little family.


Jodi Gallagher said...

Well I am sure glad the comment was removed before I read it or I would have had to say something to Anonomous. The person probally is jealous of your beautiful life and is a miserable person! Your family is adorable and you are such a good mama and wife. Your blog is always so fun and makes me smile. Thanks for blogging and sharing your life with us! We love you Kim!

Sandra said...

I would also like to have a piece of them!! It would only take a minute...

Jilene said...

You are right. Some people are just rude! I'm sorry your feelings got hurt. I love looking at your blog. Keep it coming!!! :-)

Books = Possibilities said...

Kim, I am so glad you said something about that! I was extremely disturbed that someone was as rude as that! I agree. These family blogs aren't meant to be objectified by others in a mean way. If I could've deleted that comment before you saw it, I totally would have!

I am totally going to take your lead, and not allow anonymous comments.

Love you!

Lyric Payne said...

I didn't even see the comment, but I'm with Grandma Gladys. I can take em! You are awesome Kim, and everyone I have ever met loves you and your family, and for good reason.

Rachel said...

People are dumb, Kim. And I hear what you are saying - If you don't like my blog don't read it cause nobody makes you. I blog only for journaling purposes so that I have the info for later on in my life, and if my blog is boring or lame, too bad. Anyway don't let dumb people get to you :).

koby said...

I have to admit I have been reading your blog for quite some time. I went to school with your husband and stumbled on your blog awhile ago, but have totally kept up with it because it is so uplifting. I appreciate your gratitude for life and for the many blessing you are so grateful for. Thank you for helping uplift my life.

You are also an amazing photographer and you have a beautiful family.

Dustin said...

Mean people suck!

Young family said...

Sorry to hear that someone would stoop so low to right something mean... You do have an amazing family, and like everyone else, we love what you post and that we can be a part of your lives.

Sara said...

I'm sorry Kim! I can't imagine why someone would write something rude!

I LOVE your blog! :)

And, more importantly, your beautiful family!!!

Love you!!

Malisa said...

I saw the comment and I thought it was rude as well! You do have a very fun and uplifting blog! Things like that is what makes me what to go private! Hope they got the hint and won't be looking anymore!

Alison said...

I did not see the comment, but I don't know why anyone would leave a mean comment. I love your blog and reading about your adorable little children.