Monday, March 23, 2009

Nurse Mom...

Favs #23/365
I LOVE to take care of my kids!
No, I don't like it when my kids are sick...
Which Madi is...and Porter too.
But, this is why I chose to write this today:
Madi has been having a rough day.
I went and bought a new humidifier for her room and after dinner I went up with her to hook it up...
When is was all hooked up she looked at me with those big brown eyes and said
"Thank you so much Mom..."
It was so sweet.
And I felt very bad for getting mad at her the last couple nights cause she still wouldn't go to sleep after I had done EVERYTHING that I could for her!
So, I am gonna be a nicer Mom...
I have made that resolution before...
But really, these four kiddos of mine deserve a Fantastic Mom...
So here we go...
I start now...
Here is to becoming the BEST MOM IN THE WORLD!!!
on a side note.
My baby is now 4 months old.
He weighs 18 lbs. 10 oz.!
Can you believe it!
He is humongous!
Elsie was 19 lbs at 1 year!!!
I have his appointment in a week or so, so I will tell you more on his stats then!
And I am waiting for my new camera to come...(giddy inside!)
and for his poor goopy eyes to clear up for me to take his 4 months picts.
So get excited for those!


Brooke said...

Tell Miss Madi to get feeling better fast! And wow little Chubba BUbba!! Just the way I like em best though for sure :-)

Angela said...

HELLO - you can't just say you're getting a new camera without spilling the beans about what it is!!! I can't wait to hear about your new camera and your new favorite thing for tomorrow. I look forward to your site every day now.

Young family said...

You got to love those brown eyes. We hope she is feeling better soon.

The Holdaway Family said...

I hate when kids are sick but I too love that I am the one they go to when ever they are sick, sad, scared, or just want a cuddle.

I am sorry that Madi and Porter are sick...Bailey and Bruce are sick right now with a cough that lasts 6 weeks...believe me I know everyone else in this house has had it!

Sara said...

Go Porter! That is awesome! Who would have thought you would have a chubby baby like that! Aren't they fun?? :)

Poor Madi! I hope she is feeling better, soon!

I feel the same way! Some days I look at my kids sleeping and I think I should have been nicer to them that day. But, each day I try and be better! It is a work in progress!

Bald n Beautiful said...

I am letting Scott be the best Mom ever, he was up with Becca last night and Derek the night before. Can't wait to hear all about the new camera

Amy said...

Sorry about your sick kiddos... and holy moly Porter IS big... he weighs like 4 pounds more than Noah! What a cutie though. What new camera are you getting??? How fun!