Monday, May 04, 2015

Monday May 4

After I dropped the kiddos off to school, I went and got the top coat stuff for the stairs.
I finally got started doing it, and I really like the finish on it!!!!
It is a satin sheen, and I really like it!
I think it will be really nice for the floors as well (whenever we get that done :).
I got one good coat on and touched up the handrails a second time.
I was going to get a second coat on this evening, and then another tomorrow.
But tonight crept up on me........
So second coat tomorrow :)
I had a visit from Kirsten Arnold today and she brought yummy cookies.
It was nice to see her and talk for a bit.
Then it was time to hop in the shower then get Elsie from school and take her to PT.
Elsie worked hard.
It has been over a month since we have been to see Katie, and Elsie did a great job!
On the way home we stopped by Fred Meyer to get dinner :)
A good rotisserie chicken never killed no one!
We also stopped by the Restore store and got two mirrors for the kids bathroom.
They are a little chippy, but I think if I put some molding around the edges and frame it out they will look as good as new.....and way cheaper than new mirrors :)
I think it was another rough day for Dad.
He did get up and around more today then he has the last few days, which is good and bad.
Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.
The little boys crack me up!
They were in the front room making some kind of Pokemon/doily craft.
They sure are creative.
For FHE, Porter had a plan.
In primary yesterday, his teacher wrapped cardboard in aluminum foil and talked about the Book of Mormon.
That is what he used for his lesson.
He told us about how it was a journal passed down from generation to generation.
And he wanted us to use a stick are engrave something we were thankful for on it.
They we went out and buried it :)
We threw it in the ditch we have still not all the way filled in.
And then we worked to fill it up a bit more.
We didn't get it all the way filled in, but got more done.
So that's good :) 
Anyway, he was super cute and so excited to teach us about it.


Nancy said...

THe stairs are beautiful!!! Loved the family home evening!!!!

Grandma Na said...

You are incredible Kim!! Love you!

Emily Peterson said...

The stairs are so beautiful!!

So sorry it was a tough day for Brent. :o(