Sunday, March 15, 2020

Sunday March 15

Today was pretty special.
Because of the Covid-19, church was cancelled for who knows how long.
But it gave us a pretty special opportunity to have church at home.
Our bishop gave us instructions that we could perform sacrament in our home.
We all got dressed for 'church' and met in the front room.
It was really neat to have Brent and Logan take turns blessing the bread and water, then to have Porter pass it to the family.
Such a neat experience to have together.
This past weekend, Cassi was supposed to perform at the Temple and Mission prep, but that was cancelled.
So she played it for us as our musical number.
Elsie gave us a 'talk' where she shared a quote about Peace and Hope.
Then Porter shared his testimony with us.
I absolutely loved it.
Then we wrapped up our sacrament meeting portion and met in the kitchen for our Sunday school :)
We did our Come Follow Me as usual.
We talked about the allegory of the olive trees, which actually doesn't start until tomorrow, but we are usually on the week before :)
It was pretty cool.
Cass had been talking about it in seminary so she had a lot of insight for us.
After our CFM, the kiddos went outside and hung out.
The weather has been a little wet, but still nice.
I made cookies during that time because the missionaries were coming by.
They came around 3 and we talked about CFM, last weeks lesson, which would have been what we talked about if we went to church today.
So it was pretty fun to go through it all with each other.
After that we spent time watching the Book of Mormon videos and a few other things.
Just great time together.
Dinner together was great and then we played card games until bedtime.
I love having everyone here under one roof!!!
The kids got school cancelled as of about 9:00 this evening.
So that is good but also.....we need to do stuff to avoid boredom!!!
Port has been stressed about all this.
He had a pretty cool experience today.
He said he was feeling worried, so he decided to say a prayer.
He said that after the prayer he went in the kitchen to finish his milk...we were all in there cleaning up after dinner.
He saw one of the BofM sitting there on the counter and decided to open it up and read.
He found a spot where it talked about people being preserved....
I will have to ask him to help me finish what he read, and he said he didn't quite understand what he read, but he knows how he felt and he said he felt calm.
He felt like things would be okay.
I told him he needed to write down his experience.
Then I had him tell his dad about it and it just about made my heart melt.
The kid has such a strong connection with the spirit, but he also beats himself up and so I worry he won't quite grasp when the spirit speaks to him.
But there is no doubt in my mind that he knows that what he was feeling came from the spirit.
Sweet boy ❤

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