Monday, March 16, 2020

Monday March 16

Dad got to start his morning with a fire.
That is pretty awesome for him...not so good for the salon owners....
Here at home Madi, Logan and I got our workouts done (which I ran 5 miles at 7:45/mile!!!)
Madi and Logan tried going to the Y, but it was closed down.
So they did a home workout.
Anyway... We got to work on Madi's art room.
This will be their "living room" when they live her.
We cleared out out and they got the walls painted.
Looks pretty good 👍🏻
Now they are leaving tomorrow and I get to go through all the stuff we took out of there 😂😂
But we did get a lot done and it feels good!
Cassi went for a hike.
The Edwards are totally quaretine-ing.
We are sticking with a small circle.
Port hung it with Cannon a lot of the day.
What's did some art projects and also watched some dr.k.
I let them do whatever today, but tomorrow I plan to get a schedule thing so we don't all drive ourselves crazy!!!
I getting closer and closer to believing that may and Logan will not be able to have a reception.
Which is totally sad.
But they said if they didn't have it on the wedding day, they don't really want to have one later on.
So either things change and it goes on as usual, or we just cancel it all.
They will still get sealed no matter what and still have a small ring ceremony....
So we will just wait and see what happens.
Elsie and I got in the hot tub tonight with Madi and Logan while Cassi and Porter watched a movie together.
It was a pretty chill evening 👍🏻
We will miss having Madi and Logan here, but hopefully it won't be too long before they can come back.

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