Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Tuesday October 24

After school today, we had all kinds of activities going on!
Cassi had her powder puff football game at 4.
Dad picked up Porter and max and Graham and he went to her game.
Madi went babysitting.
I picked up Elsie and took her to get her new glasses fitted!!!!
She looks so dang cute!
Then we went right to dance class.
Which she is just loving!
Then we had dinner then Dad and Porter left for basketball practice.
And I left for RS.
We had a fun auction activity.
We brought things that we would be willing to auction off, then we got points for things we had done in the last month.
Met a new person, helped a neighbor, etc.
Then those points were used as money towards the things that were donated.
It was a really fun night!

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