Monday, October 23, 2017

Monday October 23

Port had a rough morning.
Last night, we found Canarrow (Porter's lizard) dead.
Porter was so sad, it was hard to get him to sleep.
Then this morning he was so sad and he just kept saying he didn't want to go to school.
I knew once he got going, he would feel better.
He did end up going and the day went good for him.
After the kids went to school, I worked out, then went to PT, stopped at Hobby Lobby to get some watercolor paper for Madi, then came back home to clean up the kitchen and grab my grocery list.
Then I went grocery shopping and got home just a little after Madi got home.
I am on pick up for the little kids this week, so I went to grab them and then I took Port outside (It was a beautiful day!) and we shot some hoops.
I think that little bit of one on one time was what he needed today.
He was sad again going to bed tonight......but not as bad.
He wants to wait until tomorrow to bury Canarrow, so that dad can be here.

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