Saturday, December 10, 2016

Saturday December 10 (add pictures)

So, so late!!!!!!
Today we all kind of slept in.
Some longer than others.
Me, I can;t sleep past 6:30 or 7.....
But others, we had to wake up about 9:30 so we could get going with our day!
Porter had his last basketball game today.
He played really well.
He has learned and grown so much this season!
It has been a lot of fun!
Then we went out to eat for lunch as a family to Red Robin.
And it really was the best time.
Everyone was happy and joking and nice to each other.
It seems like forever!
I made sure to tell them how much I enjoy being with them when they are all getting along!
Then we went straight to the Nielsen's house.
They invited the neighbors over to make gingerbread houses.
It was a fun time.
While we were there, Brent got called in because they had a big fire and they needed people to cover the city while the guys were out on the fire.
So he went in for a few hours.
The kids and I came home and did chores.
Port was so cute.
He had Joy today (she is our new elf.....Elvis has gotten really old, and now just watches us from the mantle.)
Anyway, he secretly did some of Elsie's chores today, and that was sweet.
Dad came home and then we went out on a date to dinner and then Christmas shopping.
Lots of fun!
Packed full day!
Pictures to come!

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