Monday, July 18, 2016

Monday July 18

Most of my day has been spent trying to finish an ambitious project I started for a certain little girls birthday on Wednesday.
I won;t say anything now, but lets just hope I can get it done by her birthday!!!!!
My day started early, not with a run....but with a blood curdling scream from Elsie at 5:30.
I ran up and she was still kind of crying, but also excited.
She had lost her tooth!
In the middle of the night!!!!
I tried to talk her into putting it under her pillow and going back to sleep.
She tried, but she was just too adrenaline filled!
The kids helped get the house cleaned......we have a guest coming on Wednesday!
We have a very excited birthday girl!
Anyway, we had some cleaning to do.
It was very helpful to have Madi around!
We also got some reading done.
Well, Port did.
He also played around with making an astronaut suit, and tried a magnifying glass to make the shield.
It didn't work so well.....
In the afternoon I took Port and Cassi to the thrift store because we are looking for a cheap bike for Port.
Then we went to Hobby Lobby for some more supplies for my project I talked about earlier......
Cane home and had dinner then left with Madi and we went to Platos closet.
I dropped her off there and went to target to get a birthday dress for Elsie.
Then picked Madi up.
She got some fun stuff.
She has been begging to go shopping for a long time....and she finally has money and time.
So we went.
Then home and we all got ready for bed and got the little ones in bed.
Elsie zonked out during scripture study time.
She was so tired!
Then I had to run to Walmart for some laundry soap and other stuff.
While I was there I got a call from Bubbles that her cows here out!
Well, Brent is gone, the Edward are gone....
I told her I would hurry and get home but that I would tell the big girls to go out and help.
Cassi said she went out and Mater had the two cows corralled in our yard and he got them wrangled into the pasture with our cows.
How awesome is that!!!!
Didn't I just say yesterday that he is really turning into such a great dog!
Nice work Mater!!!!!

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